21 January, 2009 Washington, (D.C.) NATEPERKINS.TV: vIDEO RELEASE News, President Barack Obama Inaugural Live NEWSROOM coverage. Washington, DCU.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, today issued the following statement in response to reports of incidents which prevented a large number of ticketholders from reaching their designated areas at the 56th Presidential Inaugural Ceremony:
Following is Senator Feinsteins statement:
I have just spoken with Mark Sullivan, Director of the Secret Service, and I have asked him to convene along with the U.S. Capitol Police, all law enforcement and other parties involved in planning for this Inaugural to conduct a prompt investigation into two serious incidents that have been reported. These reports have prompted great concern by members of the Inaugural Committee, including Senator Bob Bennett, and by Congress in general.
The specific incidents include the report that a decision was made to cut off access to Purple and Blue standing areas, which meant that a large number of ticketholders could not reach their designated areas.
I am also aware of the incident involving the 3rd Street Tunnel, where thousands of people were stuck for several hours and apparently without any law enforcement presence.
There may have also been other irregularities, but I have heard enough to know that something went wrong and we need to find out what happened. Mr. Sullivan has indicated that he will provide a full report.
I would encourage people who have direct information about these incidents to contact the Secret Service, in addition to contacting the Joint Congressional Committee for Inaugural Ceremonies at feedback@jccic.senate.gov.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18, 2009 In a sermon today at Howard University's chapel in Washington, Wright used Obama's life as an example to show how despite challenges as a nation, the country can build a better future.
"He was able to do what nobody of African decent was ever able to do in the 211-year history of this country. ... The Lord stepped into his story and gave him a new attitude," he said.
It was a completely different scene from Wright's defiant appearance at the National Press Club in April. Gone was any hint of anger directed at Obama for denouncing his more controversial sermons and statements, which became fodder for Obama's critics during the presidential campaign.
Exclusive: Wright Sings 'Proud' Tune on Obama in DC Pulpit Then ... - Jan 18, 2009
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright may have made his peace with the former parishioner he once suggested turned on him for political gain, President-elect Barack Obama, but in an exclusive interview, he showed he's still furious with the media, who he called "evil," and said he's "not going to kiss anybody's behind."
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